
Shugur enthusiasts, mark your calendars! From October 10 to October 16 is Shugur ship week! Whether you’re a writer, artist or a mere consumer, we all need a little sweetness in our lives ♡


1. The main focus of the submissions must be Shugur. Other livers and side pairings are allowed as long as Shugur remains as the main focus.
2. Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Do not steal or trace content that isn’t yours.
3. 18+ works will be accepted. However, you must be 18 or above to post NSFW content. Such posts must be marked as NSFW on twitter and suggestive images must be placed behind a censor wall. Explicit fanart must be placed in sites such as Poipiku or Privatter and explicit fics must be placed in fanfiction sites like Ao3 where it can be marked as Explicit.
4. All works must be properly tagged. If your content includes potentially disturbing or triggering content, then make sure to include proper trigger warnings.
5. Do not use any of the livers’ official tags. Feel free to use #ShugurWeek2022 and #Shugur for your works and the account will retweet your posts! Do not use the tags #YaminoArt, #Artchivist, #Legartus, #Shussy, and #Cybussy.
6. Do not bring up this fan week to any livers. Do not mention it in Fulgur’s, Shu’s, or other liver’s chats and comments.


1. Any type of content is allowed. You may post art, fanfics, edits and even cosplay relating to the prompts. Go wild!
2. Any language is allowed. You may post content using your own language or other languages that you are more comfortable using!
3. Posting your submissions on other platforms is allowed. Our main platforms are Twitter, Discord and Ao3 but if you would like to post your works on other social media, such as Instagram, Tumblr, or other, then feel free to do so!
4. Late submissions are allowed. You may post even after the week is over, up until the end of the month!
5. Daily participation isn’t mandatory. You don’t have to make a submission every day of the week. You can participate for just a few days if you’d like!
6. Feel free to use more than one prompt. You can combine two or three prompts together if you like, submissions are not limited to one prompt a day only!
7. Additionally, you can interpret the prompts however you like. Even if it’s a stretch, as long as you are still using the prompts then you are fine. Have some creative liberty!
8. Most importantly, have fun! That is, after all, the point of the week. Let us all feed each other with some lovely food and have as much fun as we can!


Day 1
Forbidden relationship
Day 2
High School AU
Mutual Pining
Day 3
Secret Dating
Idol / Band AU
Day 4
Childhood Friends
Single Parent AU
Day 5
Fantasy (Royalty, Magic School, etc.)
Arranged Marriage
Day 6
Fake / Pretend
Assassin / Mafia AU
Day 7
Free Day!



Coordinators - Mods of Shugurcord (Val, Daiya, CL, KillianArtists: Sa kê, Daiya, Silver, KiraDesigner: ValCarrd done by: CL